One of the rarest ragas, existing only because of Thyagaraja’s compositon, ‘Dayaju chudakithi velara’. It is astonishing to see that no composer before or after Thyagaraja, nor any other trinity has composed in this raga. This is a pleasing raga, as can be seen from the audio clips provided. There is still dispute over its origin as to whether from mela (34) Vagadeeswari or mela (35) Shulini – whichever, it is of a vivadi origin and contains the vivadi notes ‘R3G3’. So the ragaswaroopa is shown here in the same manner only.
S M1 R3 G3 M1 P D2 N2/N3 S // S D2 N2/N3 P M1 R3 S
All references to this raga is by classifying it under mela (35) Shulini. Mudicondan Venkatarama Iyer has sung the composition Daya Jucutakidivela, wonderfully. Dr. M.Balamuraleekrishna has sung this composition in Vagadeeswari janya format, while Sri. T.N.Seshagopaln has ysed the Shulini format to sing this. A book published in 1959, containing 120 krithis of Saint Thyagaraja, in Devanagari, clearly states this as janya of Shulini. (In some references, this raga is said to be janya of YAgapriya (mela – 31) or RAgavardhani (mela – 32) both of which are wrong).
This raga, Ganavaridhi, is mentioned in Sangraha Choodamani. Sangeetha Sampradaya Pradarshini (SSP) by Subbarama Dikshithar, does not mention about this raga. But Ragapravaham by D.Pattammal places it under melas 28 & 35 (two specifications each) and under mela 34.
S G M P N S // S N P M R S (mela 28)
S G M P D N S // S N P M R S (,,)
S M R G M P D N S // S D N P M R S (mela 34)
S M R G M P D N S // S D N P M R S (mela 35)
S M R G M P D N S // S D N D M R S (,,)
As stated already, there is only one composition known to exist; the Thyagaraja krithi. The saint is responsible for bringing this raga to light. The Pallavi begins with panchama and ends with shadja. Anupallavi starts with tarasthayi shadja; ends with madhyasthayi nishada. Charana also starts with panchama and ends with madhyasthayi nishada. Sancharas ranges from shadja to tarasthayi madhyama.
In the composition, ‘Dayaju chudakithi velara’ Sadguru pleads with Lord to have compassion on him.
daya jUcuTa kidi vELarA dAsharathe
bhAva vAraNa mrgEsha jalajOd-bhavArtihara manjuLAkAra nanu
munu nIvAnaticcina panu lasagoni nE manasAraga nidAnamuga salpinAnu vara tyAgarAjApta nanu
“O son of Dasharatha. This is the right time for you to cast a kindly glance at me. Kion that crushes the fear of Samsara - the elephant! Reliever of Brahma's sorrow. One of charming form. I have scrupulously, affectionately, sincerely fulfilled what you wanted me to do. This is the best time to cast your kindly glance at me”.